NewsTOKYO ARCADE – 東京アーケード

Psychedelic lights, frantic rhythms and vibrant atmospheres. The exhibit Tokyo Arcade – 東京アーケード puts the visitor in the both virtual and extremely real dimension of Japan: the one of the iconic Pachinko (ぱ ちんこ) arcades and the passion for mobile games, played in every moment of the day. In a society like this, where video games are part of everyone’s life, becoming a sheer symbol of our times, the pictures of this exhibit show the magic of everyday life: from the streets to the arcades, from the portable consoles to the gaudy coin-ops, welcome to contemporary Japan. The exhibit, in cooperation with “La compagnia delle Foto” and curated by Micaela romanini, Head of Research Center – VIGAMUS Foundation,  will be held from May 31st to July 3rd, 2016.

Roma, Via Sabotino 4
Tuesday-Sunday: 10:00-20:00

VIGAMUS – The Video Game Museum of Rome – Via Sabotino 4 – 00195 Rome – 0637518325 Museum acknowledged by the Latium Region and inserted in the OMR with protocol number 324807 (2014/06/05). Vigamus is listed in the registry of the Italian Libraries. ISIL Code: IT-RM2011 © 2020 VIGAMUS Foundation, institution acknowledged by the Prefecture of Rome with positive opinion of the Ministry of Artistic and Cultural Good and Tourism – Protocol number: 976/2014 – VAT NUMBER: 12464291009

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