NewsThe History of Video Games. From the Fifties to Today: the new edition of the book which follows the origins of the medium is coming

A new edition of “The History of Video Games. From the Fifties to Today”, written by Professor Marco Accordi Rickards and published by Carocci Editore, will be available from October 15th in all bookstores and online. From Tennis for Two’s oscilloscope to the overwhelming success of Atari in the 70s, from the iconic Donkey Kong by Nintendo to the coming of PlayStation and Xbox, up to the hyperrealism of Half-Life: Alyx’s virtual reality: video games are unique in their genre and were able to transform themselves many times, putting every new technology to the service of interactive authors and artists, women and men like Roberta Williams and Shigeru Miyamoto, Jane Jensen and Hideo Kojima. The history of video games is a long ride through impossible missions and dramatic falls, brilliant intuitions and harsh battles; the history of a part of human culture which, like no other, has been able to portray the imaginary of a society suspended between real and virtual, where interactivity is the keystone of our future.

Roma, Via Sabotino 4
Tuesday-Sunday: 10:00-20:00

VIGAMUS – The Video Game Museum of Rome – Via Sabotino 4 – 00195 Rome – 0637518325 Museum acknowledged by the Latium Region and inserted in the OMR with protocol number 324807 (2014/06/05). Vigamus is listed in the registry of the Italian Libraries. ISIL Code: IT-RM2011 © 2020 VIGAMUS Foundation, institution acknowledged by the Prefecture of Rome with positive opinion of the Ministry of Artistic and Cultural Good and Tourism – Protocol number: 976/2014 – VAT NUMBER: 12464291009
